Thursday, July 21, 2011

power of music

The power of music is just blowing my mind.

What is it about music that is so powerful?
It changes things; sets ideas in motion.
It puts words in people's mouths and melodies in their heads...
Music defines moments, decades, memories, countries, styles and beliefs.
It is universal, yet personal.

The kind of influence that music brings is unreal.

Set words to music and people will sing it, little 5-year-olds will sing words even while they don't comprehend what they are saying.
All because the words were set to music.

What a powerful tool!

Those in the industry have such a tool to use!
I want that kind of influence!

Artists can write something extremely personal - it can be sad, happy, melancholy, angry, revengeful, gleeful... and other people, who have no idea what was truly felt during the birthing of the song, connect with the song in highly personal ways, it becomes THEIR anthem.

...Thousands of people connecting with something. Thousands of people from all different places, beliefs, and backgrounds proclaiming the same words.
All because they were put to music.
...Because those words were presented to a world full of people looking to relate, looking to be understood, looking for hope, entertainment, something to connect with; something to rally around.

We have been given the amazing ability to express ourselves. The power of sounds and lyrics on people and our history is fascinating to me lately.

With the mighty influence and voice that comes with a musical platform, comes even the ability to perpetrate the idea that you DON'T need a microphone to have a "voice":

"I don't need a microphone/ to say what I've been thinkin'/
my heart is like a loudspeaker/ that's always on eleven/
...Sometimes all it takes is one voice..."

what a dichotomy.

What a phenomenon...
The power of music

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