Sunday, April 3, 2011

true words ignored

i find it sad that i can post a status or tweet about getting a tattoo or a Black Eyed Peas song, and get many responses or affirmations... but, i can post a quote from the true, living word of God (a.k.a. scripture) and it's as if no one even sees it...
why is that?
is it so commonplace, the Bible, that we don't even pay attention to it?
Or do we think "religion" is too personal for us to affirm or identify with one another?
Or do we just not care?

are we ashamed?

Jesus, don't let me be ashamed of you.
Don't let me do what is popular, or what will gain me the most affirmation from my peers, don't let me neglect carrying Your precious name.
You have committed yourself to me for forever. How can I neglect You?

My heart is sad, how I wish we all would adore Him like he deserves... It would seem to be easier if it wasn't fighting up-stream... however, "...suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5

I need You

i needed you on my very first day,
you gave me your breath, before i can even remember
i needed you as i grew and i was bruised
some wounds you are still healing
you gave me your love over and over and over
you prove to be enough
i needed you

i needed you yesterday when i was weak, i was afraid
when i dropped my arms in the middle of the fight,
you still defended me
it's compelling, because i try to deserve you
i cry because i don't understand your grace;
because one day i will see your face

i have always needed you,
even when i didn't see it
even when i don't deserve it
you remain true
remain true
every time i fall, you stay the same
every time i fail, you remain

all my joy comes from you

so, write truth upon my arm; upon my heart
let it be always before me
hide me in you
hide me in you
because, honestly i am afraid
there are things i want, things i hate
open my hands
empty my hands
empty me so i can be filled up with you

all these things, don't let me love them more than you
all these things, let them fade
you will remain
until all my heart is yours, you deserve it all
you have committed yourself to me for a lifetime and beyond-for all eternity

i need you every time i question all that is true
when i question myself
you even allow me to question you in my frail humanness
i am nothing without your hands that created me
without your right hand that sustains
without your breath in my lungs
without you fighting for me

you have committed yourself to me for a lifetime and beyond-for all eternity

Jesus, how i need you

"You are Holy, Holy, Holy
God most high and God most worthy,
you are Holy, Holy, Holy - Jesus, You are.
Jesus You are"

"I need thee, O I need thee;  every hour I need thee;  O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee."