Friday, July 29, 2011

it's all about... me?

After spending the majority of my time these past weeks with children, it got me thinking...

Kids are so selfish!
It seems they think the world revolves (or OUGHT TO revolve around them!).

We adults know this self-exhaultation is an immature and nìeve concept, right?

Or do we?

If maturity is realizing, "it's actually not all about me."
If maturity is looking out for the concerns of others, than how does this parallel my Christian walk?

How many of us think we are mature in our walk with God, however, we still think like children? We still act like, "It's all about me."

Many times, I think this egotistical mindset comes because, we all have a need to be accepted, loved, and sought after. For many of us, that need was not met somewhere along the way. In our constant quest to fill that need, we become selfish and we act out of our insecurities.

We may know that the world doesn't revolve around us, but we don't feel loved, valued or celebrated, therefore we consistently draw attention to ourselves.

Not only would a person like this be hard to live with (and actually drive people away from them!) in the real world, but a person like this spiritually would fail to fulfill God's full potential for their life.

It is all about sacrifice.
It is not about me.
First, I must see this unconditional love that Christ offers, or I will never overcome my insecurities.
True change is change of the heart, not the actions.

The power of the cross is the amazing power of change. Not the power TO change alone. But the power to BE CHANGED.

I can't rid myself of insecurities through self-help and positive thoughts alone. There will always be someone who tries to tear me down; there will be something that tries to take me backwards. So how can I live selflessly? How can I live the way God intended, the way he commands?
How can I be a true follower?

Only through the power of Christ.
It not only enables me to change.
But, it does the changing I cannot do!
It enables me to die to self and live in the truest joy!

If I come and surrender. Believe. And allow myself to be filled up, then, I can be an instrument for His gospel.
My goal won't be to be accepted or noticed or praised. I won't be after attention to fill the holes in my life.
I will look more like Jesus who honored the Father every day and became the servant of all!
He came not to be served, but to serve.

That's how I should come everyday.
I still don't... too often, I act like this life; this Jesus is all about me...

I'd like to think I'm a mature adult Christian, but I'd rather see who I really am. Even if that's just a kid who's learning, I'm infinitely loved and treasured.
Jews wants to be number #1, He wants me to trust Him with childlike faith.
In the maturity, I never want to lose the child that trusts, loves and believes.

Jesus, I believe, help me with my unbelief.

On the journey,


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