Tuesday, December 29, 2009

isaiah 54:10

There is a word that is timeless and one that endures and remains steady and powerful throughout every season of time...
"For though the mountains should depart
and the hills be shaken or removed,
yet My love and kindness shall not
depart from you,
nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed,
says the Lord, Who has compassion on you."
Isaiah 54:10

Thursday, December 10, 2009

it's possible now

God, You answer us. You raise us up.

Have you ever felt like it takes alot to break through to worship God without being distracted or self conscience? Or to clear your mind, get past your surroundings and past just saying the words & doing the motions- to get to feeling close to God?

In the garden of eden, sin had not yet separated man from God's closeness, from communion with HIm. God walked with man, He spoke with him face to face.
But after man fell and gave in to sin, we were separated.
We were defiled.
We could no longer enter God's presence freely. Or feel His closeness and walk in absolute truth.
The world became dark.

Only through the sacrifice of Christ did we even gain the availability to feel his presence here once again. To find freedom in it. And to have the assurance of being undevided from Him for eternity. Through the Cross, the division between us and God was torn down and we have access to our Father.

But still so often (as citizens of this world) we have so much (knowingly and unknowingly) between us. It sometimes takes time to break through those things. We have bitterness, unforgiveness, jealously, perversion, and just dirt from what we take in throughout the day.
The blood of Jesus cleanses us ungoingly from all unrighteousness.

The fact that we can even now enter into his presence is a miracle
The fact that, where we come together in his name He shows up, is exciting.

In heaven one day , there will be no more boundries, no more confusion, no more distractions... Again, all because the blood of Jesus has cleansed us and washed us white as snow.

We walk now, on earth boldly and unashamed with the power we need in this mortal life...
And, one day, there we will walk clothed in white surrounded in His light with nothing inbetween.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

1 is better than 99..

Yesterday, I heard a story.
Someone in my department at work recently went to visit the small population of spanish Jews living in Israel. While he was there the local church had an evangelistic event. There were 150 people in attendance, small by our American standards.

5 souls were saved.
That was the equivalent of 5,000 people here....

It reminded me again of how we tend to
count success in numbers. We measure relatively and compete like we're in it for the money.

I was reminded that Jesus said, "there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!"
"...there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents"

When we're often overwhelmed and all about quantity, Jesus is all about quality.
Let us not forget the power of one.
For if we "successfully" herd the masses through, and neglect truly teaching even one heart
what will we have to show, for our efforts in the end will be failure.
God sees souls not numbers
He sees children that he calls precious - rare and of great value.

Monday, November 23, 2009

time for a new layout!

New layout and header!!
Forever I've wanted to personalize this blog and I didn't know how or WHAT!
But, I'm so proud of myself today, I made my own headers!!
I like :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Jesus, I want to Love like a child with the depth of an ancient.
I want to live. I need your Love so I won't fear, so I can love the hard-hearted, fully myself... with You.
I don't want to DO for the sake of DOING. I want to DO for the sake of LOVING.
I long for Love.
I long to be known.
The only time the world really stopped was when I looked into your eyes.
I saw you in the middle of the dark.
Your eyes burn with light. Your Love is so bright, there's no mistaking it, I think we're the ones who confuse it.
You burn through the night, your mercy always breaks through, tears dry in your sunlight. Your coming on the wings of the dawn and last night I saw you... every word disintegrated.
You're so big I can't grasp it. Yet, You're so near I can't comprehend it.
To never lose the wonder, to use this pain for victory.
To appropriate the power of Your cross for all it's worth.
You're precious.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

in the moment

So, this is me.
I HATE not knowing and that's just the place I almost always seem to be of lately.
God, what are you doing?
Is it just me, am I that deaf and dumb?
I just wanna be free.

We're are........

I recently heard it said: "Jesus wasn't raised up on the cross to give us a career." and it keeps going over and over in my head....

Don't we have better things to do than to argue?
I want so much to stand up and scream, but so many times the hammer seems to slip and fall on the wrong side... so, I sit and say nothing... I hate being misunderstood, so alone.
We're not meant to speak, we're supposed to live.
Jesus isin't a brand or a nametag, His cross is not cool or fashionable. It's radical, it's for every age every time every people group.
We're so twisted, so confused...
and if we really lived for Love, it wouldn't look like this.
Cause we focus on all the wrong things. We're so blind! Father, can you still lead us?!
Don't we have anything better to do than talk idle words out? Oh! they're spewing and falling and tripping our brothers.
I thought soldiers never give up.

It's so hard to be the only one. It's so much easier to swim with the flow.

Oh, to those who'll remain unnamed,
I've heard you say it again and again and that vision is so nice, but that's not what I'm seeing, friend.
Your words paint a beautiful picture, but I don't see those same colors on display.
We've become a place of false advertising, we're not meant to play these games.

I imagine God, does your heart not weep to see your church so crippled, so helpless, when we've got all the Power we need... You must see some good in us yet.
You're the one who loves Justice.
You're the One who reigns in Mercy.
You hate sin BUT love unconditionally.

And, I wanna be like you and I want things to change. And even tho it seems they never will, I never want to stop believing.
I don't wanna hate your bride, Oh God, make us pure for you again.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Waiting... in peace, not turmoil... in TRUST

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead,
bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting...
I will serve You
While I'm waiting...
I will worship.
While I'm waiting
I will not faint, I'll be running the race.
Even while I wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait

I will serve You while I'm waiting!
I will worship while I'm waiting!
I will serve You while I'm waiting,
I will worship while I'm waiting,
I will serve you while I'm waiting...I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord - While I'm waiting, John Waller

Monday, August 24, 2009


Come thou fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon in
Mount of thy redeeming Love.

I was lost in utter darkness, til you came and rescued me
I was bound by all my sin when your love came and set me free
Now my soul can sing a new song, now my heart has found a home
Now your grace is always with me
And I'll never be alone!

Come thou Fount
Come thou King
Come thou precious prince of Peace
Here your bride - to You we sing
Come thou fount of our blessing.