Friday, June 24, 2011

Genuine follower or average cultural Christian?

I don't want to just be an average American Christian, just fitting into the box, into the flow; succumbing to the pressure of culture. 
Will I live like any American 20-something?
What is my identity and what is my priority?
I have staked my claim in Jesus, my destination in heaven.

I get so fed-up with the way 99% of the Christians I meet live.
I feel the pull to entertain certain things that go against Jesus and the life he has asked us to live.
Instead of this I should be pushed closer to Jesus and holiness! Not deeper into the world, into coping, into lies.

We live comfortably and we hold love of this world and the Savior in the same arms... This should not be a comfortable position to live in.

There are people who are following Jesus who can't be concerned with popular culture, they only have time to think about what really matters in this race we are running.
They can't just use the name of Jesus as a brand or label. Calling on the name of Jesus truly costs them their lives.

I wonder why we all don't get it!
We go visit impoverished nations, we go to unreached people and yet we still are selfish and consumed with all this dirt that means nothing!

God, don't let us sacrifice everything for nothing in return.
Don't allow us to drown in shallowness!
Do not allow us to walk around blind and mute... Seeing and not perceiving, hearing and not understanding.

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