Saturday, May 28, 2011

I used to write almost every single day, I just let the words flow onto the paper. Within 5 minutes a song from me was born, I knew the words, I knew the melody in my head.
Too often I have let the weight of the supposed correct "creative process" and all the rules of wrong and right/good and bad weigh me down... I don't believe I am good enough and I'd rather not fail, or here their criticism so why try?

So, today, I wrote another song, yes, in about a 5 minute span. I can't just sit down and play the music, I'll admit. But, I can hear it. It's a song about just this... wanting to be free from all of those types of "rules" and fears...

Every artist wasn't a hero in their day. They didn't follow the rules of the "Academy" and that didn't roll over too well with critics, but none of us care about that now. We praise the avant garde who were made to feel like failures in their time!

I was inspired by:
1. things in life not coming together the way I want.
Wishing I could go somewhere where MY way was THE way and full of happiness.

2. Realizing how I've let this fear and people's opinions hold me down.
When for so long all I wanted to do was write and sing it out.

"They want us to believe freedom is absurd. "

3. Owl City... been listening to him a lot lately. I'm inspired by Adam Young's words, melodies and ideas!

So, the song is Freedom of Defiance.
Because I don't want to be held down anymore.
I want to go back to when I was younger and I was gifted and everything was a possibility.
I serve a God who says nothing is impossible if we believe.

"Before the King, we can do anything."

recently heard Taylor Swift say that if you know exactly how you feel, you need to say it. i agree...


afternoon update: after writing this, this morning, i read this quote by Elvis - seems ironic!
"I don't know anything about music, In my line you don't have to"

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