Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Years

Yes, it's just "another day", just the next second on the clock.
But, that's just it - it is another day.
A new day.
Isn't that what we all want?
A new year gives us this opportunity.
Our perspective changes, we come together to end and begin again. We celebrate it-we take it as a clean slate, another chance, a motivation.

Let us take the chance to make a change as the year flips. But, lets not be held back by the date.
So much more happens in those 365 days that we can anticipate.
But, that year could hold 365 consecutive chances to start again
8,760 hours to make a difference.

It won't be perfect. We won't be perfect, but we're still alive.
Exhausting and invigorating,
Challenging and rewarding.
Beautiful and tragic.
a gift.

time, time, time keeps moving on.

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