I'm a girl who was raised in the Southwest. I live in the South, but apparently, I should be from the Midwest, given my accent.
Already confusing?
I'm the girl who was homeschooled almost her entire life. But usually hears, "you were homeschooled?!" from others. It definitely brings on a range of reactions and opinions.
I guess, I could hide or propagate the fact that I was (dun,dun,dun) homeschooled, but regardless of the fact, I am just who I am!
I'm not much of a tomboy, but not a girly-girl either... meaning, I wasn't one to play sports (mostly, because I felt dumb trying to play because no one showed me how... and boy, I hate to fail). But I'm not one to have her nails done every two weeks either.
Happy, happy, in-between... shopping IS one of my favorite pastimes and I am not ashamed of it! I love accesories, clothes, the whole shibang of looking cute... but, as much as I love it, I can't keep up perfection every stinkin' day! I love a good T-shirt and jeans too!
Growing up I didn't know what I was going to do with my life! I couldn't decide between being a doctor, nurse, teacher, dancer, photographer, actress, or singer... once, I wanted to be a gymnast, and planned out how how I could make it to the olympics! I definitely wrote lists of the possibilities, that's another thing - I love lists.

I love eyes, ironically, sometimes I can't remember others eye colors.
I love milkshakes and road trips. together or separately.
Writing keeps me sane and in it are my most honest moments.

Even tho I often feel alone, I know I never am...
And, I'm in love with the sky, it's one of the most amazing things in the world.
Never twice the same, a masterpiece.

I would be happy just living.
Not being alone.
Finding love... even tho Love has already found me.
I want to be a wife and mom.
See the World.
Learn how to fly. (literally... and why not figuratively too!)
Make everything I can with my eyes and hands.
Never lose wonder in the little things that inspire.
Bring Jesus glory, even through all the dirt I got from this world.
Keep learning.
Experience zero gravity.
Record my music, even if it's just for me.
Love and be loved.
Give and Forgive.
Never give up.
Keep smiling.
i am just me. and this is only the tip of my iceberg ;)
There are a lot of things that have made me who I am today. I know that's the story of us all.
Life doesn't look the way I pictured it so far, but that's okay.
I'm looking up to the One who sees the whole thing completed and framed.
Pressing on towards what is ahead.
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