I say I trust in a God who has existed before time and eternity. He breathed life into man and forms him with His very own hands.

When have I ever felt just accepted?
I am well aquainted with feeling different or misunderstood or misjudged.
but, just accepted? I honestly don't know.
God, I don't know what you have planned, don't think me ungrateful for all you've given me. I am so grateful, Jesus. Seeing how you care for me really means so much, But, you already know my heart and I don't have to convince you.
Thank you for being near to the brokenhearted and for never leaving us at our lowest and when we need You the most.
God, how is it that you care so much that none of these tears that are falling have ever been taken forgranted by you? I don't even know why they are coming...
I try to hold it together.
You collect them in a jar
Who are you that You would care so much?
You care enough to count my hair that is falling out.
If I was without You I couldn't live because without you I have nothing.
I just had a moment with this song...
God I try not to be the weak one, I try to be the one who can handle anything. I feel like I just shouldn't care, but why me again? Why am I the one who struggles, the one people forget about... Will I always be forgettable?
I have held it together for so long so many times. I've walked in the face of princes, princesses and impostors.
I tried to take the high road...
Take me where You will.
and if, to any outsiders, this sounds like the ravings of someone who makes no sense, well, it all came out of where I am and what I am feeling, and maybe it looks disjointed, but as it came it all made sense.
I just had a moment with this song...
and so, if this is confessions and if I am being honest, I have to say that first,
I'm not a girl who picks up celebrity crushes and carries them around as tokens to giggle or gush over. I've never been "boy-crazy" and I'm not a geeked out fan, or some girl in highschool who is trying to live out some fantasy.
All that being said,
I am really impressed with Mr. Young and what I know about the standards he upholds in his life. I don't meet guys who actually care or have stuff that they actually don't do.
People who are different from everyone else and not afraid to show it are extremely admirable.
What kind of artist (let alone not a "preachy-Christian artist) tweets scripture, or goes to God's word when they are at their lowest, or gives glory to God and really means it, or will write to the whole wide world about what's really going on inside of them from their house all alone... just like me.
I like guys for a whole lot more than looks, because the inside spills over onto the outside and it makes or breaks a person.
I have extremely high standards, in comparison to the majority of people I know, sometimes It's hard to believe there are still people who live in the way that I want to uphold.
So, when I see someone who does, they gain my respect and admiration.
Watching Owl City live last week, I was struck by how Adam's stage presence was one that I have seen people critique and make immature comments about, but what I took away from the show was "You, be you".
It takes someone confident in themselves to get out there and embody no one but THEMSELVES and not listen to naysayers.
It empowers me to be more secure in myself.
So, I probably won't ever even meet this guy, and I'm probably not even his type, but regardless, Adam has inspired me to believe in love and goodness and purity in others... things that are real. not just fantasy.
and these words are mine again tonight, as they are true today and all days.
"I can finally see/
that You're right there beside me/
I am not my own/
for I have been made new/
please don't let me go/
I desperately need You."