Fear. Pride. Insecurity. Addiction. Chaos - Our captors...
Freedom only comes from being bonded (enslaved if you will) to Christ.

"Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him who you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness." Romans 8:16
"Having been set free from sin, you have become the servants of righteousness (of conformity to the divine will in thought, purpose and action." Romans 6:18
We who have been freed (spiritually; emotionally etc) are the ones who are to bring that freedom to others and freedom for those in the bonds of physical slavery. Physical chains and emotional bondage.
In being bonded to Christ we learn to love what He loves and hate what He hates.
Slavery, trafficking - He hates it. So we too, long and fight for freedom for the captive.
Are those who have not experienced the bond of physical chains really so different from those who have? We are all slaves to something...
Take all the compassion, the desire for justice that we have for one so unjustly enslaved physically and compound that 10,000x10,000 and maybe we'll have an idea of how God feels in His great compassion as he looks on those enslaved - soul, heart and spirit.
Take all the anger or pain that touches your heart when you see someone unjustly bound agains their will and power, multiply it again 10,000x10,000 and you'll gain maybe a glimpse of how God feels when He sees His creation enslaved to bondage. Living, not as He would have them.
He did something about it. He's already purchased their freedom. Our freedom. He became a slave to sin and obedient to death so we could be free.
WE, set free from sin and death, it's our job to lead others into His freedom - freedom of heart and body. Life + Soul Free.
Let's take this light and let it shine. Let it shine.

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