For some people it's just another name. For others it's an object of distain.
For a lot of us we claim to have met Him. We say we know Him. We say we love Him.
But do I really know Him? I don't mean to read about Him, I don't mean to have just met Him, not just to believe in His death and resurrection. All of which are vital and important. But, I mean to KNOW Him, so well that I see all too clearly how very OTHER He is from me. To KNOW Him so that I might know when my heart is looking more like His. To feel His passions, His heart...
This "knowing" is not head-knowledge, but heart-living.
It requires time and energy, it requires a thirst for something beyond what many Christians settle into (btw, Christianity was never a "religion" for settling down... but that's another blog.), it requires a revelation of Jesus by the Holy Spirit. And I daresay, it's not a one time experience alone.
What good is the gospel unless we KNOW Jesus?
Today I read this book (all 218 pages) in it's entirely.

It's written by Bruce Marchiano, who portrays Jesus in the film Matthew ( a 4 hour word-for-word film of Jesus life, according to Matthew.)
In the book, like the film, you walk away with "Jesus", way more than you walk away with "Bruce".
Like I said, I read this in one day. I laughed out loud, I cried and then I cried from laughing again.
I would tell anyone to read this book, to watch the film, to do both and gain the full affect... there is so much that is prompted by reading this book. It shows so much insight into the character of God.
Oh the Love of God is a main focus, for how could one play the role of Jesus without love?
A Jesus without love is just another man with big talk...
Jesus WAS Love. He is Love. He embodies LOVE in the purest sense of the word, man to man, man to woman, man to child. Jesus Loves people. Really truly loves them.
Bruce tries to convey deepness of the Love of GOD as saying take the person you love most in life (your child, if no children, then whoever you love most) and multiply that a billion times over and then, maybe, just maybe you'll begin to scratch the surface of God's Love for one of His kids...
I don't know about you, but my heart can't handle that, it would literally explode. Just thinking about it, I feel within my chest, I cannot contain it.
Yet, I need to know it, I want to know it.
I want to believe and understand (as best as I can!), with true HEART understanding, not HEAD understanding, His Love.
When something is that big, we think we understand it, because frankly we don't understand it, so most people just tuck it into their brains in the "I know God loves me" part, but if they, if we ever REALLY got His Love. We'd live differently and I'm convinced we'd see every other person differently. This difference is knowledge of the head vs. knowledge of the heart.
Honestly, I don't think our brains will ever wrap around the immenseness of His Love. Oh, until we get to heaven, surrounded in the Love of God, you will not judge your neighbor, there will be no insecurities, no worship of self, or of idols, and there will be no holding back.
Every way in which we can express Love, adoration, affection will be flung towards Him in worship forever. Because the worship never stops, it can't stop... He is so big the revelation of Him will keep coming and coming. Oh the party of a thousand years!
Repeatedly in "In the Footsteps of Jesus", it is written,
"He loves you.
He loves you so much."
To be like Him is to love like Him. I cannot love others without a revelation of His love for me and for them. Being anxious about the fact that I have some sort of blockage to understanding or receiving His Love in it's fulness does not solve the issue. The revelation comes from seeking, it comes straight from Him. It's supernatural.
One can sing a thousand times "How He loves us/Oh how He loves us" and still not get it.
But show me a life of someone who knows His love and there is something different. There is something free, because perfect Love really does drive out fear.
To know Jesus, to know His heart - His Love. Isn't that what this is all about anyway?
blown away...
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