Friday, September 25, 2015

more with less.

there’s more to this world than religion” 
the penciled-in words screamed 
off the margin of the paper,
out of frustration with the romanticized, dramatic, seemingly-ignorant ink printed in the columns...

yes, we dumbed it down, watered it down 
and fit it into its institutionalized box
while we breathe His air in and out of our lungs...

now we’ve got buildings and boxes, soap boxes and podiums filled with people
given amplification for their cynical politics, personal agendas and lust for power.

we have confusion under the guise of clarity.

we’re trying to break free of traditional bonds
trying to decipher what is right from wrong
what is acceptable and just.

all living and dying on this pale blue dot.
but, we seem to think we’re the sun and
the planets of our own mind and intent revolve around us with magnetic power

still so many hurt. wondering if anyone sees them or knows them at all

surrounded by our own experience like tunnel vision.
we were made for more than this. 
we were made for more with less

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