Saturday, December 27, 2014

Defining Moment

The moments of most intense pressure; the toughest places; the most painful experiences - these determine who we will become. 
The deciding moment comes. 
In that moment, we either break apart and give up 
we push through, keep going and stand back up again.

The hardest times will define your character - ultimately, you
either a quit OR overcome. 
You either become bitter OR stronger.
I want to be the latter.

We tend to wriggle away from these defining moments. Sometimes it seems some people have more suffering than others, and sometimes I lump myself in with "those" people. I compare myself to others and wish for an easier road because I can't see the purpose in the pain. 

But, I'm in this thing called life and no one escapes unscathed.

The great stories we tell are ones of trial and triumph and none are written without the struggle. 
For without the hardship, the enemies, the obstacles,
there is nothing to overcome. 
The most inspiring stories are the ones of the broken rising, the underdog winning,
the attempt; the belief; the hope.

"Yet a part of you still believes you can fight and survive no matter what your mind knows. It's not so strange. Where there's still life, there's still hope" - Louis Zamperini

Courage. Keep going, your story is being told. 

"If you can't fly, then run,
if you can't run, then walk,
if you can't walk, then crawl,
but whatever you do ,
you have to keep moving forward" - Martin Luther King Jr.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Years

Yes, it's just "another day", just the next second on the clock.
But, that's just it - it is another day.
A new day.
Isn't that what we all want?
A new year gives us this opportunity.
Our perspective changes, we come together to end and begin again. We celebrate it-we take it as a clean slate, another chance, a motivation.

Let us take the chance to make a change as the year flips. But, lets not be held back by the date.
So much more happens in those 365 days that we can anticipate.
But, that year could hold 365 consecutive chances to start again
8,760 hours to make a difference.

It won't be perfect. We won't be perfect, but we're still alive.
Exhausting and invigorating,
Challenging and rewarding.
Beautiful and tragic.
a gift.

time, time, time keeps moving on.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Time goes by.

Life has a strange way of moving on.
Sometimes we move on with it, sometimes it’s as if we’re stuck
feet planted
standing still
while the world blows by like a gust of wind…
And time passes and hearts harden
sometimes it’s hard to detangle the mess of roots of hurt,
boarded up by confusion,
feeding on disillusion.

Time passes. But we’re not better we’re worse.

Sometimes the hardest decision is trying to figure out if I need to go back to who I was 
(or thought I was) – like I somehow lost truth along-the-way.
If I don’t need to go back at all, but instead, I need to be made completely new.

Because most times, you can never go back. 
You either sit, stay and wallow or go forward.