Before I begin, I must make one off-topic comment, why is it that so many "creative" people do their best work at night?
Could it be that it simply takes us forever to wake up? I'm kidding, kidding!
I just think it's funny that things can seem so clear and alive and my imagination is best when it's too late and I know I'm going to have to wake up early the next day... Or in some cases "today", given the fact that it's well past midnight.
Is it also possible that when it's late you tend to ramble?, you ask...
Eh, well, I like to consider this writing with a sarcastic wit to it, I kinda like it myself!
But, enough is enough of that... Moving on!
Have you ever thought about the term "best friend"? I guess, in our culture context, it usually
Means favorite friend or closest friend..."best friend" hmmm
Maybe you have an X-best friend (I have a couple of those), or several people you call your bff's, just one who has known you for years, or maybe you don't have any and either you wish you did because you feel like you're supposed to, or you just don't care...
Either of a thousand ways, many people have/have had a "best friend".
What are they "best" at?
What classifies them as your "best"??
That precisely is what I am thinking about tonight.
You see, to a lot of people I have been a friend in some capacity, some people return the favor and some do not.
But I can and YOU can be the "best friend" of anyone we meet...
We can be the "best" listener
-it could be someone in front of you in the checkout line whom you've known a total of 4 minutes
- it could be your spouse who you've been listening to for 15 years.
We can be the best host/hostess, advice giver, pair or eyes, trustworthy confidant etc, you get the idea?
There's a ton of different "bests" and we can be those things to people everywhere anytime.
Even if you're without our common definition of a "best friend" for yourself, you can be THE best friend!
Do you get it?
And basically, being the "best" is doing something where you put other people first, and selfless people make the best of friends!
It's easy to get burned in relationships.
Relationships are hard, friend, roommate. Parent, neighbor, co-worker, they all present you with situations you'd never face if you only had to communicate with yourself!
But, there is a satisfaction that makes it worth-it in finding a connection with those around you, finding a community, people that care...
Some people seem to think they are your friend, but if you're really honest, you know all about them, but they only seem to take 50% interest in you...
Are you the giver or taker in the relationship?
If there is a good solid share of both, you are on the right track.
But anyway, the point I am making is this- I want to be worthy of being a true "best friend", not only someone who fits in or is fun to be around , so I'm going to start now, just with the people around me,
And I'm not going to base my actions off of how others treat me, because people don't listen; they dont keep their word!
But either I act out of bitterness towards those who act wrongly, or I do the right thing and LOVE people.
I like that idea. Will you join me?