Friday, December 24, 2010

What Child is This?

"Why lies He in such mean estate
Where ox and ass are feeding
Good Christians, fear, for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading

Nails, spear shall pierce Him through,
The cross He borne for me, for you
Hail, hail! The Word made flesh
The Babe, the Son of Mary"

Amazing words we do not often hear!
Let it sink in!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Look at the birds...

God has been implanting this into my heart. I want it to become a part of my foundation...
I worry about money, but He says don't worry.
He say's the mind set on the Spirit is PEACE. It really is true that if we would make it our goal to set our minds on the things ABOVE we would stay at peace.

Matthew 6:26 says
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

I feel like God is challenging where my reliance and trust is placed.
I want to place it fully in him. Not on my "sowing" (working), my "reaping" (paycheck) or storing away in barns (savings).
...Not in what I can do alone, everything comes from Him anyway!

The birds don't work and strive and worry about what they get, but God is a LOVING father (loving toward all He has made!) and He GIVES to them, not because of their actions meriting reward, but because HE is faithful and He cares.

Ah, so it is with me, so it is with me.
Let this sink deeper and deeper.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Free Christmas Gift

Into a world of the rich and poor, into a world of greed, God, You came down.
A gift, free of charge.
All our money couldn't buy the redemption of our souls.
We celebrate you at Christmas-a time when money is spent.
A time when those who "lack" money wish for more.
We give.
We receive.
We purchase.
It even would cost a couple hundred dollars to purchase a nativity to dosplay outside my house to say "I believe" not in Santa but in hope, redemption, in JESUS. It all costs a lot of money.
But You,Jesus, don't! Thank you for being the free gift, not bought sold or earned but received. 
"Freely you have received, freely give."
In the buying, selling and giving the riches of the world that pass away, don't let us neglect love and forgiveness....
Just what you brought when you came down.

Thank you for being free.
You're worth more than any other, and you're absolutely free.
We could never buy You, sell You or deserve You.
But we have You, Everything we know we need; Everything we don't know yet.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


People are dying and we're talking.
We talk so big. But nothing changes.
You say you wanna change the world, turn people around and inside-out how do you expect to do this unless you're absolutely the opposite from this world!
Stop talking and start walking! I couldn't say it loud enough!
I can feel the fire inside when I hear the truth. I wanna cry out.
I'm done with all these emotions, without changing anything!
Jesus came to change the world - HE DID change the world.
He didn't die so we could look pretty!
He didn't die to make a church look pretty, perfect and clean!
You talk about not being material and I don't see that in your life, in your fruit!
The people you praise the people you respect, the people you give credit to - are they the ones who bring God fame?!!
God! I'm so tired of being fed-up with all this nonsense. God! I'm so tired of being NOT OKAY THAT WE'RE OKAY with all this!!!
But, I'll never be okay with ordinary!
I'll never be okay with temporary!
Keep me on your path. Let me live the life I feel beating inside.
Let me life it from the inside out.
so much brokenness.
so much loss inbetween.
This feels so pointless - what's the point when we're not changing anything. If we'd get down on our faces and forget about ourselves.
God! I want to look to pour out into others, instead of being so caught up with my life, my situations, my relationships, my desires.
If I never have anything, I will always have you.
Truly, strip away all I hold onto so I have to cling closer to you... God, you're all that's worth it. I'm so done with all this fluff. I'm so done. Jesus, make me live all this from the inside out.

If it's what You want, God, I'll be a visionary.
Dont let me get bitter. But, I want to hate every lie, everything that's not wholly of You.
Let me be someone who evokes change.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Have you ever been tired of having the same strong feelings, the same passions about things for so long and not seeing anything change?
At first you might be frustrated because a goal or desire is being blocked.
You might try to ignore your feelings and walk the other way. But even if you shove down something that is apart of you, it will only rise again.
Then you might get angry, not being sure what to do to make a change.
It all becomes exhausting...
This deep desire for more.
To see the reality of belief before my eyes.
To know the truth.
To see the change.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sometimes it hurts to care so much. It weighs upon my chest.
But I'd rather feel this pain than be dulled and numb to reality.
This is what a heart breaking feels like...
do I still hope?
I just care so much.
If I could only hold your head in my hands in speak truth that would become the foundation of your heart...
I want you to know you're loved
I want to you to know the truth.
If I could take away all your pain... I would.
I will still war.
I won't let you go.
I won't stop caring.
I want to be like the One who carries the world. I can't imagine what He feels in seeing how far we've fallen.
But, I guess I care so much, I love so much, I feel so deeply because of Him.
He Loves, more than an ocean, He loves higher than the sky. His hope dives deeper than the pit you've sunk in. His hope rises every morning in the sky... If you could only see it in front of your eyes.

Friday, May 28, 2010

3 Men

I've seen you walking with a chain around your neck leading you down one path, you can't break away on your own.
I've seen you fall down time and time again, and see you struggle, I want to see you win.
I've seen you the way you are today. But, I know you can be more. I want to see you change.

I still believe it is possible.
But, you have to surrender all.
I still believe it is possible.
But, you have to be willing, you have to surrender before you can win the war you'll fight.

Why do I see these things?
Oh God, yes I want to see them with your eyes...

Do you see a light shrouded in darkness?
Do you see a warrior giving in to lies?
Do you see a man, fragile dust, but a treasured prize?

Do you only see Your blood? Your sacrifice was enough, God, I have to believe in You.
I want to see the change. I want to see your hope on the faces of these ones.
All the broken, all the weary, all the hurt and the confused.
I believe in the truth.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

One way street

Since the bible says we can only serve one of two masters, and it tells us we're slaves to whomever we choose to serve, I'm feeling like alot of "christians" are slaves to Satan - to sin. And few of them would be willing to give up their rights of their lives enough to become a true servant of God...

I'm not okay with God being just an icon in life. He doesn't deserve that.

So which is it for you? Who's really in control? Does is hurt to admit the truth?
We only truly live after we've died...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


"We must declare war on the mood of non-expectation, and come together with childlike faith."
- Tozer


Thursday, April 8, 2010

"In the name of..."

I say "... in Jesus' name, Amen" verbatim, wrote, mindlessly, everytime I say a formal prayer, because - why? Because, that's what I heard, that's what I learned, it's a habit.
Yes, it's biblical (John 14:13) But, how many times we just spout it off, as thoughtlessly as we say "Amen." so we can eat. But, today, I saw it differently, I got the revelation of the power of saying something "In the name of" someone else...
Think of it this way, when you request something IN THE NAME of someone more powerful than you, you evoke all the power that they hold on your behalf. You call into play, who they are, what they have done, and suddenly whatever you're saying has incredible backing.

I see an illustration something like this,
I am a poor foot soldier, unknown to the King.
My nation is deep in war with an opposing rival. Our General has died in battle.
He was known, decorated, honored and respected and his name will live on in the history of my people. He had the strategy, he had the plan that would carry our war torn people to victory. But, after his death the king has been silent.
The king has no reason to heed any word of urging, begging, pleading,
any plan that would come from my mouth.
But, I stand before him and I urge him to take a stance,
to remember our great fallen leader, to rally his army to victory...
I don't urge him in my voice alone because I ask IN THE NAME of one greater than myself. Suddenly, the stakes have changed and the kings men hold their breathe in wait to see if the king will honor one who sacrificed his life for our cause...

When I initially saw this senerio, I wasn't thinking God was the king, and Jesus the general, but that even in human relations this law is still in effect. Names carry reputation and they carry power. So, the fact that I ask things in "Jesus' name" is... amazing. It means alot.
Because Jesus humbled himself, "God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name." Phil 2:9 NIV
The NAME OF JESUS evokes all of His authority on our behalf. We are co-heirs with Christ (we are! Us, little tiny us!), it's amazing we even have the right to use his name.
Next time I say "In Jesus' name, Amen", I want to actually think about what I'm saying, about what that means. The One who was before all things, in all things, the One who holds it all together, I pray in THAT name.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Christ has died, risen, and will come again.

I'm so thankful what looked like the worst day for the world turned out to be the best day for all humanity. The day of suffering became the day of amazing grace. God was in control.
I'm so thankful the tomb couldn't hold Him. He got the keys of death, hell and my grave.
Christ has DIED! Christ IS risen! Christ WILL COME again!
His blood was shed - We have redemption.
I live because He died.
His blood still speaks today, His cross the stake in our history that changed everything.
He's seated at the right hand of God. Jesus, may you receive the honor that you deserve today.
Thank you for your blood, your cross, your suffering, and your triumph... We could never even say enough!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Career, ministry, life

Career should never be life
Life should never be career

Career should never be ministry
Ministry should never be career

Life should be ministry
Ministry should be life


I want to be one who finishes the race.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How, who, when, where, why

Sometimes I wonder if the future life events that seem so huge to our brains, aren't always so -earth shattering - they just... happen.

When I was young, I had a picture in my head of what I would feel like, or be like at my age now. Now that I'm here it doesn't quite feel like that picture. But, it's okay, I'm moving, I'm going on and it's impossible to see my life and the world through any other eyes than the ones I have right now. In example, when I was fourteen I was mature for my age and thought I was handling things great! I did fine growning up, but with gained experience, I now can look back and say "Oh wow, I know a few more things!". It's good to be growing. I would never want to stop.

Is there a place, where you don't have to be ashamed?

Is there a place in this world.

Am I far away, from that place. Is it there waiting, or do I have to make it reality for me?

Is there a place, were not all are perfect, I'm not asking for a fairy tale, not in this life.

Is there a place where I am known

Can you promise me that everyone is not the same. That they all aren't wrapped up in themselves slandering as they go along???

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I agree

I have been seeing how much we have a "Greek" way of thought pervasive in our institutions for "higher learning"... think about this...
"The wisdom of the Greeks, when compared to that of the Jews, is absolutely bestial; for apart from God there can be no wisdom, not any understanding and insight." - Martin Luther

Monday, February 15, 2010

What are you wearing today?

I've been thinking about Tim Tebow lately after the "uproar" that was caused by his Focus On The Family ad that aired during the superbowl. That man is certainly no stranger to controversy. But, at least it is all for a purpose. What do we expect? Jesus told us we would be pursecuted for His name. His words and His name are not welcome in our society. But, they haven't quite shut us down yet, God's word still speaks! It will endure forever!!

Anyway, saying this, I was searching for something on the ever-popular google. As you may know, when you start typing something into google what pops up underneath in a drop-down box are the most popular searches. I typed in: What scripture
and here are the top 10 MOST SEARCHED topics:

What scripture says about homosexuality
What scripture is the Lord's prayer
What scripture says about marriage
What scripture to memorize
What scripture says about forgiveness
What scripture is Jesus wept
What scripture is the ten commandments in
What scripture is on Tebow's face
What scripture is the Christmas story
What scripture is Tebow wearing today

Okay, so, homosexuality, The Ten commandments, Jesus, Christmas... interesting, but pretty much expected, not really shocking. As much as it's interesting that those are the things people are looking into the Bible for, what struck me was that the only "non-biblical" thing, if you will, that is mentioned (twice!) is TIM TEBOW! What a witness, what a way of getting the "scripture" out there... Where it needs to be... But it's got to be in us, before we can put it out there. We can't wear a scripture on our faces, if our life doesn't back it up!

Can people ask that about me? Can people ask that about you?
I'm not saying, "raise your hand out there in cyberspace if you've got John 3:16 tattooed on your forehead!", but seriously, do we put enough stock in the Word of our God? Do we put it into our hearts? Do we really act like it is the "lamp to our feet"?
hmm, I hope this is some food-for-thought for you... it is for me.

I want to be that kind of person, people will ask "what scripture is on Anna's face today?", they'll wonder "what words of God does Anna have on display?". I'm called to look like Jesus. So are you.
I like how it says it in the New Living version: Matt 24:35 "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear."

Oh, (as a little extra ;)) it might be silly or maddening that the NCAA just now made a rule banning players writing in their eye black, but I just love how Paul said this:
2 Timothy 2:9 "Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God's word is not chained." Yes, God's word is NOT chained.

Monday, February 1, 2010


For every time I say "I don't know......"
He say's "...I KNOW..." Jer 29:11

It's the beginning of February.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Do you ever feel like you're traveling, but you don't know where you're going?
Really, metaphorically, not physically... (However, you might have felt this way when you were traveling physically as well if you find yourself "directionally challenged" .)
But, seriously, have you, DO you ever feel that way?
Like, one day, it's okay - the way things are - just trekking...
And then the next day you feel like you're standing still, or moving very slowly. And there's so many more things inside of you, but it feels like nobody knows. You feel like you're just standing where you are, and you don't want to stand there so long that you get stuck! You don't really, truly feel apart of any of it... Things are okay, but you just feel there's MORE.

I know I've posed this question before, "should I stay or should I go."
I never want to be someone who goes off to new places over and over, just to get that clean slate feeling, just to repeat the same old cycle -- cause then, it's would become just running away.

It can be so unsatisfying when you don't know where you should be.

How is it that a person can have such mixed feelings about things? It puzzles me exeedingly.
I want fellowship and relationship, but I'm fine being "alone". I don't have people outside of my family who are close to me. It's not the way I would necessarily want it, but it's just the way it is.Either the other people around me either aren't ones I would want close to me, or they're not interesting in pouring into a relationship. I've just accepted that without constantly stuggling against it.
I want to be here at home, but I want to go away. I want to be on-my-own, but I want someone to share it all with.
Such mixed feelings.

Some things are hard. Sometimes you feel the tears crawling up, tickling the inside of your nose... and it's not because your heart is broken, it just feels good to let it - whatever IT is - out.

I know God wants to be in fellowship with us all the time. I know we're supposed to be totally, really, truly "at home" with Him. You know how good it feels to just let your hair down and be YOU. When you're at home, you don't have to care what you look like, or sound like. When you're alone you could be 30 yrs old running around the house in a superman cape and no one would know. It's just freedom with out feeling judged by other eyes, without worrying about looking stupid. That's the way it's supposed to be with God. He's there ALL the time anyway. We're supposed to be AT HOME - all the time, ANYWHERE cause He's there. He's our shelter, refuge, security, our Home-away-from-home...

btw: it's the end of January.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I feel like movies we are fed with that are labeled: "real-life" movies are never close enough to home. They can be about some catastrophe in Africa or someone being trapped under the World Trade Center after 9/11. Now, i'm not trying to discount the trama or very "realness" that any person in those experiences goes through. But, the average American "Real-life" movie is about some affair, slick villian, stupid person. Life turned comedy, drama, thriller. And there may be an added value or moral to the overall story, but really, is there any answers, any REALITY??
seriously here!

I'm so impressed with To Save A Life, this movie does that job and then some.
I was really speechless when I left the theater.
How can we every really live fulfilled unless we live for someone else? That's a foreign concept to us "westerners" to be sure. hmm
So, something's gotta change.
What's the first step gonna be?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

do we realize what we're forsaking?

So, President Obama who " cites that he prays in private and he doesn’t feel the need to observe the day at the White House" cancels the National Day of Prayer observance in Washington...
If the head of the entire country will not humble himself in public and admit that he cannot govern alone - that WE as a people cannot survive alone, than I wonder how much longer we WILL survive.

Don't you DARE tell me this is old fashioned.

Slowly but so surely freedom of religious expression is being closed in on. How much longer will we be able to even observe a National Day of Prayer?.....

To the God who will always have a remnant, we pray in the words of President George Washington,
"since thou art a God of pure eyes, and wilt be sanctified in all who draw near unto thee,
who doest not regard the sacrifice of fools,
nor hear sinners who tread in thy courts,
pardon, I beseech thee, my sins, remove them from thy presence, as far as the east
is from the west, and accept of me for the merits of thy son Jesus Christ,
that when I come into thy temple, and compass thine altar, my prayers
may come before thee as incense; and as thou wouldst hear me calling upon thee
in my prayers, so give me grace to hear thee calling on me in thy word,
that it may be wisdom, righteousness, reconciliation and peace to the saving of the soul in the day of the Lord Jesus.
Grant that I may hear it with reverence, receive it with meekness, mingle it with faith, and that it may accomplish in me,
Gracious God, the good work for which thou has sent it. Bless my family, kindred, friends and country, be our God & guide this day and for ever for his sake, who lay down in the Grave and arose again for us, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. "

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Do Everything...

What would it look like if we were a people who did
"everything without complaining or arguing"?
Philipians 2:14
Complaining - (murmurings in KJV) in the greek, speaks of murmur, mutterings; a secret debate or displeasure not openly avowed.

Arguing - (disputings in KJV) The meaning of this word are: the thinking of a man deliberating within himself, inward reasoning; questioning about what is true; hesitation, doubting; disputing, arguing

The original meanings of both of these words speak of not just an outward reaction, but of inward struggle and quiet words...

I feel like we all fall so easily to complaining. I have yet to be in any type of work environment where the people DON'T seem to feed off of complaining behind someone's back. Have we nothing better to say? It's so easy to join in a "secret displeasure". I so desire to be a person who does not slander others - even slightly!
Also, within ourselves we can allow anger to fester, muttering words of hatred and angst against another. We kill our own health and we're are in violation to the word of God! Wow!

Arguing (disputings) also speaks of this inward battle. The mind can be run away with itself and needs to be taken under the control of the Spirit of God.
Our mouth will speak out of what spills out of our hearts. Many times the word HEART, in our Bible, references the MIND.
We are to bring thoughts against the truth under captivity to Christ "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Cor 10:5 NKJV

One of the definitions of arguing was - doubt -
James 1:5a-7 "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God... but when he asks he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord"

...Oh, that we could become a people who surrender their thoughts and words to the Lord so much so that we could become a people who do "everything without complaining or arguing"...

- It is ONLY through His power, we can do nothing of ourselves.
The desire and ability come from above
v.13 "For it is God who works in you to WILL and to ACT according to His good purpose"

- Then after we're told to be a people who do everything without complaining and arguing... " , it stays:
"SO THAT you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life - in order that you may boast in the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing." v. 15-16

The only way we'll make a difference is by looking like Jesus...
Help me, Lord.

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." Phil 1:27
- this study is a result of an amazing message given by Louie Giglio at Passion 2010 :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Peace of God

There is a peace, everlasting
it stands within my soul.
There is a peace, overflowing
it fills me up to the uttermost.

Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,"
says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,
I will build you with stones of turquoise,
your foundations with sapphires. Isaiah 54:10-11 NIV

They (the man who delights in the Lord's ways) are like trees planted
along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:3

I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God;
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation,
He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland,
And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels Isaiah 61:10 NASB

This is my story, this is my song!

Friday, January 8, 2010

a mighty fortress...

"A mighty fortress is our God
A sacred refuge is Your Name
Your Kingdom is unshakable
With You forever we will reign

We will keep our eyes on You
We will keep our eyes on You
So we can set our hearts on You
Lord we will set our hearts on You." - Christy Nockels

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

without that step...

"Things great have small beginnings.
Every downpour is just a raindrop;
every fire is just a spark;
every harvest is just a seed;
without that raindrop there can be no shower;
without that seed there can be no harvest." -William Wilberforce